Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Bed

Maisie's dog bed in my office was starting to look a bit shabby, I thought.

She always wants to sit in the cushy "people" chairs in what would be the waiting area if we ever had visitors with a reason to wait (we don't), so I decided to splurge a bit and get her kind of a mini-couch style dog bed.  I've been eagerly awaiting its arrival, and finally today it came.

It was vacuum packed, so looked very weird when I first took it out of the box.

But after a few minutes, it poofed up to full size.

On Thursdays, Maisie usually goes to daycare for the morning and then I pick her up sometime in the afternoon.  I went to get her a little after 2pm today and I couldn't wait to see how she'd react to the new bed.  She first stepped onto it tentatively.

Then took a good sniff...

Followed by a little lick...

Before finally hunkering down...

And making herself comfortable.

I was a little concerned that Maisie might not like this kind of bed since she sometimes liked to stretch out over the side of the old bed.  She made this one work though.

No matter what bed she has, she still sometimes likes to hang out directly on the carpet. Here you can see most of the "Maisie area" at work, it's pretty much half of my office.

Overall, Maisie seemed pretty happy with her new bed.

And thanked me with lots of slobbery kisses!


Two Pitties in the City said...

I love how it's kind of like a settee; very Marie Antoinette. I still envy that Maisie gets to go to work with you.

Maisie's Mom said...

yes, she'd happily "let them eat cake" if she thought she might get some too! ;)

h(eather) said...

Haha, I love the half on/half off pose. It's amazing what these dorky dogs find comfortable!

Maisie's Mom said...

I know Heather, when I first got Maisie she loved to hang upside down from the chair in my living room. I called her my little fruit bat back then. :)