Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wordless "Why Wake?" Wednesday

The more things change, the more they stay the same...
"after eating breakfast, I go back to bed.  doesn't everyone???"

p.s.  for more frequent Maisie updates and pics, please "like" our Facebook page if you haven't yet!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

New(ton) Beginning

You may (or may not) have noticed that the tagline for the blog has changed.  That's because Maisie and I no longer live in the Windy City!  We survived the loooong trip from Chicago to Boston thanks to my friend Curtis, who served as our designated driver for all 18 hours (through six states and numerous blinding rainstorms).

I still have a few boxes left, but all the major tasks are done.  The first thing I did was set up Maisie's crate area in the kitchen, initially to keep her out of the way of the movers.

Curtis also helped me unpack, tackling the kitchen and even organizing an entire cabinet of Maisie's stuff.

Maisie is kind of confused and nervous but has found some good napping spots to help take the edge off.  The couch is still one of her favorite places, and I now can check on her from the dining room on the second floor.
can you find the snoozing pup in this picture?  

The dog bed remains another preferred sleeping location, of course.

Maisie also enjoys lounging on the (hideously patterned) big angled stair between the first and second floors.

As well as the same location on the staircase up to the third floor (thankfully with less offensive carpeting).

It also doesn't hurt that Maisie has her very own backyard at the new house!  While it isn't large enough for her to really run around, she still managed to have a mini-pit fit zoomies session out there yesterday morning.  I confess, I have not taken her for a walk on leash since we got I'm loving the yard as well!

But since this is Maisie we're talking about, it's no surprise that not everything has gone smoothly. When the Verizon technician arrived yesterday to set up my services, Maisie lunged at him and had to be put into the crate where she immediately began to cry.  I set up a baby gate in the kitchen doorway, thinking that would give her more room to roam and therefore calm her down.  No such luck.  The installation appointment ended up taking four hours and Maisie was completely freaking out the whole time.  She may appear to be smiling in this picture, but in fact she was a panting, drooling, shaking, whining mess of a dog.

We have Maisie's new daycare meet and greet/interview today and I sure hope she makes a better first impression there than she did with the cable guy.  Fingers crossed!  In the meantime, I am attempting to just go with the flow, per the fortune cookie I received last night with my Chinese food delivery.

Happy holidays, everyone!!!

p.s.  for more frequent Maisie updates and pics, please "like" our Facebook page if you haven't yet!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Birthday Girl

Sorry again for the lack of posts lately...packing and working remotely and searching for a place to live have been taking up ALL my time.  I probably won't be back on a regular schedule until after the big move.  But I couldn't let today go by without acknowledging that it is a most special's Maisie's 4th birthday!!!

Maisie plans to spend most of the day doing all her favorite things, such as snoozin'...


Froggin' out...

Snoozin' in a different location...

Soakin' up hot air from the heating vent...

Chewin' on an antler...

Chowin' down on a bully stick...

And in the midst of chaos and moving boxes, finding some peace and a soft place to lay her head.

Happy birthday, little monster, my sweet baby, my cross to bear.  I couldn't love you more.

p.s.  for more frequent Maisie updates and pics, please "like" our Facebook page if you haven't yet!